A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

Shebbear Delegation explores global issues at BGSMUN 2024

The delegation to the Model United Nations (MUN) from Shebbear College represented Venezuela at the annual Bristol Grammar School MUN (BGSMUN) on Sunday 28th January 2024, joining over 200 other pupils from more than 40 different schools to debate topics as diverse as Women’s Rights, Refugee Crises, and Global Population and Migration. The schools came from locations as far away as Cambridge and Cardiff, although the majority were from the South-West region.

Delegate Grey was invited to submit amendments to the clauses debated, and defended these rigorously in the face of fierce argument from other nations. Although her amendments were not passed, she received a special mention in dispatches at the end of the day for her eloquence and superb debut in MUN. Delegates Simpson and Price were also commended for the excellent quality of their suggested clauses, but were frustrated that neither clauses or amendments were passed by their committees. Junior Delegate Cardoo enjoyed good debates with other delegates and was proud to have been able to address the floor in his committee, challenging himself to defend a point in front of many other students, mostly from Senior delegates.

All in all, the day was considered to be highly enjoyable.

The afternoon session saw all delegations joining together in a General Assembly to debate the crisis situation: in an all too believable scenario, two opposing Presidential candidates in the USA accuse one another of electoral fraud, and dissolve the entire USA along party lines to form a Dis-United States of America (“dUSA”) led by Kamala Harris, and a “Patriotic States of America” (“PSA”) led by Donald Trump. The Model United Nations General Assembly now debated the issues involved in order to prevent mass global starvation as supply chains around the world destabilise, a rising tide of Civilian Militias begin to lead looting and pillaging, and the ultimate threat of a nuclear WWIII becomes imminent. As we go to press, the delegate for the PSA is about to take the floor to defend the position of the young country…


*** STOP PRESS *** Hot debate is growing around the issue of dUSE vs PSA! The MUN General Assembly has extended voting rights to both factions, and many countries including Switzerland, Japan, Russia and Iraq are vehemently opposed to this action. As the unfolding crisis develops, an update reveals the presence of a PSA base hidden in Antarctica. The world looks on in disbelief as it appears that they could stake a claim to this precious source of natural resources… A second update reveals a new International Military Alliance consisting of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Russia and Serbia, led by the People’s Republic of China. Areas of Taiwan, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo have already experienced attacks and Ukraine has seen an escalation in the war effort from members of this new alliance. It already looks as if South Korea will end its Korean ceasefire … As the General Assembly calls time at 4pm, delegations from Russia and China are taking the floor to argue that the time is ripe for a Communist takeover of the World with the commencement of WWIII and nuclear strikes – the Chinese delegate is currently shouting “You have been warned” to the General Assembly, which is reacting with horror! Secret notes passed from China to Venezuela threaten “Get ready: it’s happening!” which is thought to be a response to Venezuela’s refusal to support their clause.


Things are never trivial, and never boring at MUN. This is an exciting, relevant and powerful way to learn how the world functions, and to develop your confidence and speaking skills. Think on your feet, respond to live questions, and be ready to defend the indefensible. MUN: the birthplace of future leaders.

If you are interested in Politics, the United Nations, or world humanitarian issues, our plans for the summer term include hosting an MUN-style conference for Primary age pupils, internal mini-MUN debates, and preparing for the national Articulate and Gresham speech prizes where speakers prepare and deliver a 5 minute speech on a topic of their choice, then debate and defend its ideas. Interested to know more? If you think you have what it takes to become a delegate on MUN, enter a speech and debate competition, or are just interested, speak to Reverend Lancaster.

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Shebbear Delegation explores global issues at BGSMUN 2024