A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

Academic Scholars visit the National Marine Aquarium

Our second Scholars' Masterclass of the week was for our Academic and Shebbearian Scholars - who spent the day at the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth on Friday.

As well as exploring the aquarium, they took part in two exciting workshops. The ‘Behind the Scenes’ tour gave them a fascinating insight into many of the intricate procedures and protocols followed by aquarium engineers and biologists. They had the chance to meet the back of house resident animals, hear about the aquarium research projects and see some of the biologists in action as they go about their daily responsibilities. They also took part in ‘Under the Knife’, a guided dissection workshop, giving them the opportunity to gain  an in-depth understanding of the biology,  anatomy, and behaviour of a squid. A really interesting and enjoyable day!

All Scholars at Shebbear College have the opportunity to attend  four area-specific masterclasses throughout the year,  as well as being part of the Scholars’ Dinner in the Trinity term, which celebrates the achievements of our pupils  throughout the year.

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Academic Scholars visit the National Marine Aquarium