A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

Celebrations all round on GCSE Results Day
Academic Exams

There have been celebrations all round this morning for Form 5 (Year 11) pupils at Shebbear College, who have achieved an excellent set of results at GCSE. 20% achieved the highest possible Grade 9 with 42% achieving Grades 9-8 and 52% achieving Grades 9-7.

Adam found out this morning that he had gained an impressive ten Grade 9s and one Grade 8. Meanwhile, Lola opened her envelope to discover that she had achieved nine Grade 9s and one Grade 8.

 “I got 9s in everything apart from Maths which I got an 8 in - I’m really happy! Towards the end I was having doubts but this morning they all dispelled and I’m just really pleased.” said Lola, who is also an extremely talented musician, having achieved three Grade 8 Distinctions in the Piano, Violin and Clarinet!

Fellow musician, Mitzi, gained seven Grade 9s and four Grade 8s. Mitzi has juggled school work with her singing this year, as she released her debut single, Trivial, in March. She is planning to study Biology, Physics, English Literature and Philosophy at A-Level.

Other pupils to have excelled are Evie and Charlotte who both gained seven Grade 9s and four Grade 8s. Evie was particularly pleased that she beat her older brother, Will, and phoned him immediately to let him know! “I did really well – better than I thought. I’ve been feeling pretty nervous about getting my results but it worked out alright – and I beat my brother!”

Carlota discovered that she had achieved five Grade 9s, five Grade 8s and a Grade 7 this morning whilst Luke gained four Grade 9s, three Grade 8s and three Grade 7s and James was celebrating two Grade 9s, six Grade 8s and three Grade 7s. Hong Kong pupil, Roy, was not at Shebbear this morning to open his results, but achieved a brilliant six Grade 9s, four Grade 8s, a Grade 7 and a Grade 5.

Pupils have excelled across the board, with 100% gaining 7 - 9 grades in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Chinese and German and thirteen subjects achieving a 100% 9-5 pass rate.

“I am incredibly proud and delighted for all of our Form 5 pupils, who thoroughly deserve their excellent GCSE results obtained today” said Mrs Kirby “They have worked so very hard having been subjected to a rigorous and new continuous assessment system this academic year. As a completely non-selective school it is an absolute privilege to see pupils of all abilities achieving their personal best and it was fantastic today to see so many of them celebrating with their friends, their parents and their teachers who have supported them through a challenging two years. Very well done to everyone!"

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Celebrations all round on GCSE Results Day