A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

National Anti-Bullying Week
Drama Prep School

It’s National Anti-bullying week and we are running a series of special PHSE sessions for all our pupils to discuss the importance of being kind as well as a special Chapel service centered around the topic. Kindness and compassion is one of our core values here at Shebbear College and our pupils are thoughtful, supportive and considerate to others.

Our Prep School Council worked together on producing advice leaflets about ways to show kindness and be a friend which they gave out to pupils across the school, whilst our Form 3 (Year 9) Drama groups have been taking part in workshops about anti-bullying and creating scenes to convey bullying and then counteracting these with anti-bullying images. The pupils thought about the different ways in which bullying can manifest itself – physical, emotional, cyber and in the workplace and performed a short play at the end of the session to deliver a powerful message.

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National Anti-Bullying Week