A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

The Pirates and Mermaids raise the roof at the Prep School production 2022
Prep School

It was wonderful to welcome back the Prep School Production this year and what a success it was with some fantastic singing, great dance moves and excellent acting. Based at Me Hearty High School, the play tells the story of trainee pirates who can’t wait to graduate and become proper pirates. There is only one problem… none of them can swim!The answer to their problem lies with the mermaids, but the pirates do not like the mermaids and the mermaids do not like the pirates - will they ever find a way to get along?

Captain Scarypants, played by Ben, and his band of brave pirates including Gangrene (Harry), Ace (Annabelle) and Scar (Tyler), were a hilarious team, and the crew of feisty mermaids led by mermaid boss (Emilia) and helped by her band of merry mermaids including Atlantis (Lara), Neptune (Dixie-Belle) and Scampi and Chips (Amilia) were convincingly scary!

Of course, no pirate adventure would be complete without a snappy crocodile (Marah) and a crazy parrot (Hattie) - who performed an impressive solo complete with a fabulous dance! What talented children we have in our Prep School and what a great way to end the school year.

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The Pirates and Mermaids raise the roof at the Prep School production 2022