A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

A-Level Devised Drama
Sixth Form Drama

Upper 6 drama students George and Kynan performed and filmed their A-Level devised drama piece last week, 'Hope under Stormy Skies' which they wrote themselves in the style of the practitioner Konstantin Stanislavski.

The boys chose to perform their naturalistic devised play in an abandoned quarry and their costume, props and even weapons were authentic to their Celtic drama about two brothers facing the challenge of leadership. The play could not have been more aptly named as it was pouring with rain and the skies were, indeed, very stormy but they did Mr Pomroy proud with their skill and dedication –   the only downside was that they couldn't share the experience with a wider live audience.



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A-Level Devised Drama