A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

A successful Spring Fete fundraising for Devon Mind
Events Fundraising

We all very much enjoyed the long awaited return of our Spring Fete on Bank Holiday Monday. It was super to see so many families (and their dogs!) on campus again and we hope everyone enjoyed the event - all organised by Mrs Lovett alongside the Friends of Shebbear College (our PTA). There were certainly some creative ideas from our pupils who ran the stalls and activities with various challenges and activities and prizes. A big thank you goes to the Friends for all their help with organising the refreshments, the uniform sale and the extremely popular dog show!

Following the successful fundraising efforts of our Head Girl, Bella, who undertook a skydive for Devon Mind, we decided to donate all the takings from the fete to this important charity. The total raised from the fete is £749.45 - taking Bella's current total raised to £1520! Thank you to everyone who came along and supported the event. You can donate to Bella's page here

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A successful Spring Fete fundraising for Devon Mind