A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

Visits and Trips are back!
Senior School Trips

On Wednesday our Form 2 pupils had a fantastic Field Trip to Fingle Bridge, near Drewsteignton - our first Senior School trip in almost two years!

The pupils spent the day developing the practical skills needed for both Geography and Biology, and according to Mr Deakes, they all executed themselves wonderfully, putting in a great deal of effort and displaying Shebbear Courtesy throughout the day. Some of them, however, underestimated the depth of the river and got rather wet quite early on! At least it was a nice sunny day!


Flickr album: Form 2 Trip to Fingle Bridge | Height: 250px | Theme: Justified | Skin: Default Skin


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Visits and Trips are back!