A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

Desert Island Discs – what will Mrs Kirby take?
Senior School

Pollard’s Form 5 hosted a Desert Island Discs in their House Chapel this week. Their castaway was Mrs Kirby and she chose Elton John – Circle of Life, Tones and I – Dance Monkey and Robbie Williams – No Regrets. Read below how she answered their questions on the day!

You are deserted on an Island you only have a music player, a choice of your own favourite music, a book and a luxury item.

What book would you take and why?
In addition to Shakespeare works and a Bible which I think we all get to take, my choice would have to be Bridget Jones’ Diary by Helen Fielding – it makes me laugh repeatedly!

What luxury item would you take and why?
My camera – I am an avid photographer.

What is your first music choice?
Elton John – Circle of Life.

What is the significance of your choice?
I love Elton John, the words are significant if you listen carefully and it reminds me of the time I spent in a Ugandan school earlier in my career.

If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
Marmite on toast.

Who is your favourite rap artist?
I am not a rap fan, but Eminem because he is the fastest (I think!) and so RESPECT!

What is your second music choice?
Dance Monkey – Tones and I – because my children go mad when it comes on the radio and we all dance like crazy – this started in lock down!

What was your least favourite subject?
French. I had a fantastic and very patient teacher but I had to live in a French canton in Switzerland to progress!

Were you a model pupil?
Well, who knows, but in Form 5 I was awarded the ‘most organised’ award at Speech Day!

What do you feel is your biggest achievement as Head at Shebbear College?
Surviving lockdown! Certainly not my own personal achievement, but the community nailed the online learning (teachers, pupils and parents) and I was proud to lead us through it so successfully in challenging circumstances.

What is your biggest regret as Head at Shebbear College?
Not so much a regret but having to make tough decisions during lockdown (that affected our community but were for the greater good) was very tough indeed. I refer to Robbie Williams – ‘No Regrets’

What is your biggest achievement outside of Shebbear College?
Becoming a ski instructor!

What are your top 3 bucket list items?

  • Run a marathon
  • Climb Mont Blanc
  • Take another Gap year travelling around the world

What would you like to be “when you grow up?” An interior designer!

Cheese or chilli doritos? Chilli.

Beach holiday or winter holiday? Winter.

Midsomer murders or Death in Paradise? Midsomer Murders.

Attacked by 100 chicken size horses or 1 horse sized chicken? 100 chicken size horses!

White or red wine? White

Scone or Scone (‘Scon’ or ‘Scooone’)? I’m not sure – ‘Scon’ I think!

Jam first or cream first and which is the Devon way?
Cream first! The Devon way.

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Desert Island Discs – what will Mrs Kirby take?