A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

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Our Alumni really are high flyers!

Robert, who left in 2018, is currently studying Medicine at the University of Oxford (Somerville College). He has spent lockdown involved in research conducted by the Oxford Centre of Evidence Based Medicine and is a co-author on a University of Oxford paper on Social Distancing published in the British Medical Journal this week.

Congratulations to Angus who left in 2016 and has graduated this summer from the University of Exeter with a 1st Class Honours Masters degree in Physics and Astronomy (MSci). Angus is now off to the University of Birmingham to do a PhD in Theoretical Physics and Topological Design.

And finally Barrister Peta-Louise Bagott (Class of 2007) has been hitting the headlines (listen at 1.22 in this podcast) .Peta-Louise specialises in crime, international crime, and regulatory law at Doughty Street Chambers.

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