A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

Looking to the future in the Horizons Department

Mrs Aliberti has been busy in the Horizons Department over the last few weeks! Our Upper Sixth pupils have now all sent off their UCAS applications and there is a real buzz as they receive their offers! Meanwhile our Form 5 (Yr 11) pupils have been involved in guidance interviews with FutureSmart Careers, where they can speak to an independent advisor about their future choices, university aspirations and career choices; and pupils across the Senior School have taken part in a series of team building workshops.

Form 5 pupils got involved in ‘The Apprentice meets Dragon’s Den’, where they had to create innovative business ideas (these included a drone delivery service and sleep pods for exhaused NHS staff) and pitch them to other teams for investment! Form 3 looked at decision making strategies to work through real life moral decisions while Form 2 worked in teams to discover the skills needed for different careers (they made some fantastic origami birds and spaghetti towers!) and Form 1 studied personality types as they looked into how different personalities are suited to certain careers.

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Looking to the future in the Horizons Department