A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

Bumper Harvest Collection for Holsworthy Food Bank

Thank you to everyone that donated to our Harvest Collection for Holsworthy Food Bank this year. We always collect for Harvest, but this year our pupils decided that they wanted to go for a bumper contribution and they certainly achieved their goal with more donations than ever before coming in from pupils across the Prep and Senior Schools as part of a House initiative.

Some of our Form 5 (Year 11) pupils and Revs Donna and Simon Leigh dropped our contributions off earlier this week. Will, who was one of the pupils involved, said, “We felt that this year we wanted to give the food bank a bigger donation than normal because During Covid-19 it has really affected people from all walks of life and they just need that extra support to get them through these uncertain times”.

Well done to all those in Thorne House, who managed to donate the highest number of items!

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Bumper Harvest Collection for Holsworthy Food Bank